I'm so delighted by the incredible things you can whip up at home with the Blender and Fresh Fruit. I've been buying Banana's and cutting them up and freezing them. So when I make a Smoothie or Banana Ice Cream, I don't need ice.
Today I made what I call "Very Berry Nib Smoothie" - This is so delightful - however now that I've made it and looked up the calories - I guess I'll only be making this on special occasions!
This will make about 24 ounces .- I use the Vita Mix - but any high RPM blender will work.
2 Frozen Banana's (or use fresh ones- if you use fresh ones then add ice) 180 calories
Handful of Strawberries - 32 calories
Handful of Blueberries -82 calories
1/2 cup of Coconut Milk -40 calories
1/2 cup of Coconut Water -23 calories
1 Teaspoon of Cocoa Nibs - 27 calories
Pinch of Coconut Shavings- (you figure this out there are 33 calories in a tablespoon so a pinch is?)
Put in blender and blend on high for about 30 seconds or until completely blended.
Nice and refreshing (will make a great summer treat) And the Cocoa Nibs gives a nice little crunch.
This receipe makes 2 servings. Total calories about 399 - Reduce the calories and share it with friends!
Enjoy - And have you heard about Cocoa being a superfood? Listen to David Wolfe on the subject.
Then there are those who argue the Cocoa story from OKRAW, so you'll have to make up your own mind!