Yogurt Licious is proud to introduce The Daily Juicer to the menu line up.
We're Twisting It Up!
Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. and Sundays 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
100% Extracted Juice:
The Big Green - Detoxifier/Cleanser
Kale /Cucumber /Celery /Apple /Ginger /Lemon Cleanse and feed the body with essential vitamins and nutrients.
Super A,B,C’s— Energizer
Spinach/Beet /Carrot / Orange/Apple
An energy powerhouse. Beets are full or Iron, combined with the Antioxidants of Carrots and vitamin C packed Bell pepper and Orange) a great full flavored juice anytime.
BEE-T Energized
Beet /Carrot / Orange
(An energizing, immunity booster).
Salad in a Glass - Weight Shifter
Spinach /Beet /Cucumber /Celery /Apple (Eat your salad or in this case drink your salad any time of the day!)
Beam Me Up Scotty - Brain Booster
Apple / Orange / Carrot (Rehydrate parched skin after a day at the beach, with this refreshing nutrient rich refreshing juice Rich in Vitamin C. B1. B3. B5. beta carotene, foliate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, bioflavonoids, limonene
Hydrate Me - Anti-inflammatory
Cucumber/ Apple / Celery /Lemon
(Refresh, rehydrate and eliminate inflammation )
Apple / Carrot / Celery / Lemon
A tasty combination of powerful antioxidant fruits)
Blended Smoothies
The Daily Juicer - |
Spinach Tango
Spinach / Apple/ Cucumber/ Celery / Mango
A fresh blend of powerful vitamins and nutrients
The Daily Juicer - Blended Fruit Smoothies |
Popeye Green—Anti Ager
Spinach / Banana / Strawberry / Almond milk*
(Spinach is high in Iron which boost immunity, Almond milk is 50% protein)
Anytime Brunch —Energy Booster
Spinach / Orange / Banana / Apple / Strawberry
Nutty Professor—Brain Power
Banana / Almond Nut Butter /Chocolate Almond Milk*
Caribbean Anytime—Mood Enhancer
Pineapple / Banana & Coconut Milk*
(a fine source of slow burning energy )
Mango –Madness—Stress Stabilizer
Mango / Banana / Strawberry/Almond Milk
(Stress wreaks havoc on your body. Mangos contain an enzyme that soothes the digestive system, and Banana and Strawberries provide replenishment for Vitamin C which stress depletes.)
Berry Fine-Immunity Builder
Your Choice of Blueberries or Strawberries / Banana / Coconut or Almond Milk
(Berries have high levels of magic ingredients anthocyanidins and flavonoids, which help put the brakes on age-related cognitive decline Abundance of Vitamin C & powerful Antioxidants will help squash damaging free radicals associated with many illnesses).
Savanah Sunshine
Pineapple, Orange, Banana, Almond Milk
We also have available Super Food Add-On's Boost Your Juice or Smoothie
Healthy Supplemental Add On’s - These may be added to any juice or smoothie.
Food Matters Super Foods Greens
The cold-pressed juice of organic grasses which are then dried raw and powdered for maximum nutrient retention. Included in this blend are 8 powerful superfood Including—Alkalizing Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and Alfalfa Grass, Organically farmed Spirulina and Chlorella , and nutrient dense Vanilla, Mesquite and Cinnamon.
Hemp Protein Powder
One of nature's best sources for plant-based easily digestible protein. Containing all of the essential amino acids the body needs. Also contains 6 essential fatty acids with an ideal Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio. Rich source of fiber and minerals.
Cacao—unprocessed chocolate
Considered by some to be the “Ultimate” super food . It has more antioxidant flavonoids than any food tested so far, including blueberries, red wine, and black and green teas. A feel good, keep focus and alert super food!
Increases energy, stamina and endurance. Reduces chronic fatigue, Maca's reputation as a powerful enhancer of strength and stamina and as a libido-fertility herb goes back more than 500 years
Acai Acai is one of the most antioxidant rich superfoods available. Combats pre-mature aging (10x ore antioxidants than red grapes) Cardiovascular & digestive aid, Almost a perfect amino acid with trace minerals vital to muscels & regeneration.
Flax Seed Oil Flaxseed oil is a source of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid. The alpha-linolenic acid and related chemicals in flaxseed oil seem to decrease inflammation. That is why flaxseed oil is thought to be useful for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory (swelling) diseases.
Or try one of our Superfoods Power Smoothies
We do not use dairy in any of our Smoothies - We use either NUT milks (Almond, Coconut or Rice) or water as a base.
Please Stop By The DailyJuicer at 1465 Woodbury Ave, Portsmouth, NH 03801 and Try a Fresh Extracted Juice today - Located inside: Yogurt Licious