8 Days of Juicing & Fruits &Vegetables only
now Day 3 of Juicing Only
It's amazing to me that we have not had solid food since Friday. I for one am feeling VERY Calm (Bruce as well feels calm), and I have had no desire to eat something or smoke cigarettes today. In a million years I wouldn't have thought I'd feel this way (based on what I've been reading).We are both waking up very early (without an alarm clock), feeling very good, and have the energy to do all the juicing that is required for the amount that we are suppose to drink during the day, and clean up afterwards before we do what we normally do in the morning. This does take a little getting use to.
I do have to say, however, that the amount pulp that is left over from juicing is amazing. If I had a compost pile, it would be working serious overtime! I hate to see it go to waste, but I just don't have the time to make broth out of it all (Nor do I have the room in my freezer). If anyone wants it...! Bruce wants to make Pulp Chips (doesn't sound very appetizing). Being a very good cook himself, he is thinking about solid food more than me, but is a real partner in this journey we are on.
Bruce would also like to have some of his juice meals hot! But the heat destroys the nutritional value of the vegetables, so whats the point there? We are dealing with that by drinking lots of herbal tea in between, at least it's hot!. Finding a groove... it is a learning experience no doubt!
I'm all set up and ready to start using my treadmill again. Bruce put up a stand for my laptop so I can use it while walking (talk about multi-tasking) Walked for 30 minutes today (taking it slow to start).
I'm loving the way I/we feel- Ya-hoo!
Here's our easy juicing for the day.

16 oz each Super C juice

32 oz each Green Juice

Evening Juice -
16 oz each - Cauliflower/Broccoli Pop (I made this up) - 2 handfuls of broccoli florets, 1/4 head of cauliflower - 1 carrot - 1/2 red bell pepper - 1 tomato - 1 celery stalk - a chunk of jicama 1/2 apple.
(pretty Yummy)
Water throughout the day
Bruce had an additional 4 bottles (16 oz each) of water
Deb had 3 additional bottles of water (16 oz each)
Plus lots of herbal tea.
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